CBC paying attention to the dysfunctional and undemocratic Union Bay...
Geez, lots happening and I got behind! Great that we have caught the eye of CBC. This is a big story and no doubt there will be follow up articles. We no longer have a democracy – we have a...
View ArticleThe hypocrite who protested with us Jan. 19, 2011, has now become a dictator....
Don’t forget to check out Susanna’s blog at: https://unionbay.news.blog/ Here is a short video clip from Jan. 19, 2011, when the board illegally locked out the electorate from Jan. 2011 through April...
View ArticleRemember what we were told about the “Executive Meetings” in April 2018? –...
Remember this claim that the board couldn’t get things done at the monthly meetings even though they had Committee of the Whole meetings with in camera sessions? They decided on having ‘Executive...
View ArticleVideo of Cowardly Union Bay Improvement District ‘secret meeting’ Jan. 17, 2019
Look at the cowardly men who hid the location of the Union Bay Improvement District meeting fearing an elected official might show up. Bloody clueless as to the point of a meeting. One way...
View ArticleUnion Bay admin just copies and pastes from one meeting to the next. Oct. and...
The minutes rarely have anything new – it’s the same over and over. How is this guy too busy to answer correspondence OR learn the job? Fire this admin for so many reasons. The most blatant is his...
View ArticleWhy is UBID screwing around with the election date? Where’s the motion to...
This is the schedule agreed to by the Trustees at the April AGM in 2018 and published on the UBID website. This is the schedule published Jan. 9, 2019 on the UBID website. NOTE: Election day is missing...
View ArticleUBID isn’t following procedure for borrowing funds for the Water Treatment...
Thanks to the person who sent me the link. Much appreciated. 🙂 These clowns plan on voting on a bylaw and having it approved by the Ministry with no mention of the landowners having a say in the amount...
View ArticleUBID needs competent/qualified Admin to avoid stupid mistakes by trustees –...
History of the video bylaw. https://allthingsunionbay.com/2017/12/18/union-bay-improvement-district-bylaw-263-meeting-procedures-audio-video-recording-of-meetings-now-bylaw-270/ This is the first video...
View ArticleAre you going to vote for trustees who don’t believe in...
You would think they would at least attempt to abide by their own Meeting Procedures Bylaw 263 especially since it was created because the 2011 Board illegally locked out the electorate by passing a...
View ArticleWho is providing legal advice to UBID Trustees? They spout off nonsense. No...
Landowners need to wake up and realize the UBID does not make informed decisions. Their actions are based on their opinions which don’t change because no new information is allowed in. The financial...
View ArticleUBID dictator cancels Feb. and March meetings. “Haraldson declined to explain...
They’re on the run and hiding. Dunning-Kruger effect again. “Chair Haroldson has are cancelled the February 21 & March 21, 2019 Board Meetings.” Isn’t his name Haraldson? Has are cancelled? The...
View ArticleRodney Bitten at his finest calling me a c_ _ t Feb. 23, 2019.
This twerp isn’t fooling anyone. Mr. brave when he’s in a group. Just like today, calling me a c_ _t showing off for his friends. Do you think Mr. brave would open his mouth if I were a man? Not a...
View ArticleUnion Bay Improvement District Dictator update Feb. 24, 2019. “Haraldson...
It appears the dictator doesn’t think he needs a reason to cancel meetings. He just want to. Record article: https://www.comoxvalleyrecord.com/news/cancelled-union-bay-board-meetings-spark-protest/...
View ArticleUnion Bay Improvement District Chair all over the place –“can’t suspend”;...
Does this guy pay attention to what he states from one minute to the next? This video clip of the Nov. 15, 2018 has the Chair stating “I haven’t got the right to suspend you”. Then he’s quoted in the...
View ArticleHaraldson caved on the apology letter being mailed out – one defeat after the...
New post on Susanna Kaljur’s blog. https://unionbay.news.blog/2019/02/26/union-bay-improvement-district-will-be-mailing-out-apology-letter-contrary-to-haraldsons-claim-thats-why-there-is-a-newspaper/
View ArticleWhat’s the story behind the Fire Chief leaving the Union Bay Improvement...
Anyone else find this notice odd? What happened that the Fire Chief seems to have left suddenly? Given the track record of the incompetents, I imagine the truth will surface. Stay tuned on this one.
View ArticleUnion Bay Improvement District is a joke again – just like 2011 – who can...
These 4 can take a bow. They have officially screwed up everything.
View ArticleThis clip displays the lack of comprehension by this board. Suspending Bylaw...
“To my mind and Ms. Kaljur’s mind, the taxpayers shouldn’t be footing any of the legal fees or expenses for this dispute.” Jason Gratl above quote from this article...
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